Living in Sweden


We have been living and thriving in Sweden for more than 4 months. It is unbelievable how different this world is from what we came from. People are kind, smiling. There is no trace of envy or malice and they do not accidentally hurt or insult the other. This is so strange because even after 4 months I still feel this way about the country what I left. It is unimaginable for Swedish people that just because they can do it, they do it. There is no such thing. I think this is a "middle-european" characteristic, but it is strong and indelible.
Life in Sweden is calm and peaceful. Yes, there are problems and difficulties here too, but here you can trust that you can solve them if you want to. Here, right and wrong are very clearly separated. Politeness, humanity, patience can be experienced here every day. I like to call it time travel, we are taken back to an era where these still matter.
All I'm missing now is a little red house in the middle of the forest with deer in the garden and squirrel neighbors in the huge pine trees.