Finding Friends
Finding friends and building new, close relationships is always a challenge. In any situation. But there's an extreme difficulty level: when you move abroad, you're still learning the language, so you speak in English to share your story, and the cultural and social background is completely different. As an adult, it's almost impossible. The kind of task that seems suited for Tom Cruise.
Yet this is one of the reasons why I will always admire children. For them, it takes just a moment to find a smiling little friend. Their honest, pure hearts are open to other children like them. Their joy and happiness are contagious.
When we talk about what a parent's role is, we can list countless things. Pretty much everything. But I believe the most important task is preserving this openness and honest love, protecting their happiness, so that 20 years from now, they will approach others with the same kindness and openness, and find joy in it.
I'm proud that my daughter, in just a few weeks, has found a true friend here—someone she misses and who misses her.
They love each other.