Blog of the story

Nikole Hun

How can I start? It is a long story, and I want to tell you the whole truth. My name is Nikole and these stories are about us. My daughter lives with me.She is a wonderful, selfless, loving 7-year-old young girl who we call Zola in the stories. No it is not her real name, but she is a young girl. When she grows up, it will be her decision what she wants to share with the public and what she doesn't. 

I would like to tell you about my own life, of which this little girl is an integral part, because I am doing it for her. She is the most important person in my life, so that she can always live and grow up in happiness and peace.

Latest short blog posts

I think everyone has a favourite that they can't give up. I'm not talking about addictions or any kind of harmful health destroying addiction, that's a different topic and not even appropriate. I'm talking about something that is so beautiful or feels so good or is so delicious that we can't help ourselves. Strawberries and ice cream are such...

I think a lot about what our home should be like. We've only lived here a few months and although it's our home, there's still room for improvement. Around Christmas and before, during the Advent period, the decorations and the Christmas tree gave the illusion of a house full of feeling. It was. But now it's empty. The pictures of...

Zola has been begging me for days to make brown-yellow-white cake for her. From her lips, this is quite significant as she doesn't often eat cake. She's not a very sweet tooth. In many ways she is not what you would call average. So as I mentioned tricolor cake is a secret family cake. It's not the recipe that's special, it's the story....

What is my dream house in the countryside like? Away from the hustle and bustle, away from people and close to nature. A small red house in the Swedish countryside in the middle of a pine forest, where a long access road takes you. The air is deliciously fresh and the house overlooks a small magical lake. It snows a...

Figure skating is one of the most beautiful sports, while I believe it is also one of the most difficult. Ice hockey, on the other hand, is one of the toughest sports, which, next to swimming, uses the most muscles and muscle groups at the same time. Now, within the framework of the school's sports class, my daughter has...

"Den glittrande silverflingan
Det var en gång för länge sedan en snögubbe som hette Stig. Stig bodde tillsammans med sin familj nära skogen. Stig och hans familj byggdes av några barn i bostadsområdet. Barnen älskade att bygga snögubbar. När barnen sov blev snögubbarna levande. Då passade de på att umgås med varandra och göra saker som de tyckte var...

It's just the two of us. We are here for each other every minute of every day. It can be a snowstorm or hail outside, we protect each other with a big hug. Our mother-daughter bond is so strong that it can withstand any trial. As a mother, I have to be the one who always protects her own child...

We have been living and thriving in Sweden for more than 4 months. It is unbelievable how different this world is from what we came from. People are kind, smiling. There is no trace of envy or malice and they do not accidentally hurt or insult the other. This is so strange because even after 4 months I still feel...